Image of Food Waste to Wealth: Post-harvest Loss from Farm Gate to Market/ Rural Development Report 2019


Food Waste to Wealth: Post-harvest Loss from Farm Gate to Market/ Rural Development Report 2019

Capturing emerging challenges in rural development, CIRDAP undertakes researches to identify gaps in rural development policies, practices and challenges amongst member countries. The Rural Development Report 2019, Waste to Wealth; Post-Harvest Food Loss from Farm Gate to Market, CIRDAP's fifteenth biannual Rural Development Report deals with Post-Harvest food losses and the current status and future perspectives in connection with rural livelihood in Asia and the Pacific. The Centre prepares this publication as part of its efforts to share knowledge and experiences, promote regional cooperation, and support and further the effectiveness of IRD programmes in the Asia-Pacific region.
The Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific (CIRDAP) is an Intergovernmental Organization mandated to promote Integrated Rural Development (IRD) in Asia-Pacific through regional cooperation. CIRDAP has 15-member countries namely Afghanistan, Bangladesh (Host State), Fiji, India, Indonesia, Iran, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam.
The Centre's goal is to meet the felt needs of the developing states and act as a servicing institution for promoting Integrated Rural Development (IRD) in the region. CIRDAP promotes regional cooperation, operating through designated contact ministries and link institutions in member-states and plays a supplementary and reinforcing role in supporting and furthering the effectiveness of IRD programmes in Asia and the Pacific region.


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Publisher CIRDAP : Dhaka, Bangladesh.,
102 p.
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