Journals of Bangladesh
Journals of Vietnam
Journal of Science and Technology - Nguyen Tat Thanh University |
CIRDAP eLibrary Online Public Access Catalog - Use the search options to find documents quickly
Journals of Bangladesh
Journals of Vietnam
Journal of Science and Technology - Nguyen Tat Thanh University |
CIRDAP eLibrary Online Public Access Catalog - Use the search options to find documents quickly
CIRDAP’s Aziz-ul Haq Library was one of the finest special libraries in the country, which was established in 1980. The library was named after Aziz-ulHaq; founder Director of CIRDAP.
From Traditional Library, CIRDAP Aziz-ul Haq library has developed/transformed to a digital e-library. The CIRDAP e-library was the first step of Digital CIRDAP and this was the landmark initiative since establishment of CIRDAP which will connect CIRDAP Member Countries (CMCs), through sharing wider resources, knowledge & information on Integrated Rural Development (IRD) and Poverty Alleviation (PA)programs through on line access.The e-library will help all CIRDAP member countries to access knowledge on integrated rural development and Poverty Alleviation stored on online platform that will benefit people of CIRDAP Member countries leading them towards sustainable rural development. This will be an online archive for collecting, preserving, and disseminating digital copies of documents and publications for CMCs.
To connect CIRDAP member countries with sharing of Knowledge and resources and serve as a Data house for Information on IRD
The objective is to provide a flexible space with a wide and inclusive range of resources to support learning and disseminate information throughout our publication and resources to have a vibrant role in the development of a culture that promotes wider reading, motivated researcher and community people. Finally, to ensure swift digital library services for CIRDAP Staff and CMC’s.
This project also applies the function of digital services through the SLiMS software.
Library Hour
Sunday to Thursday: 8 A.M. to 4 P.M.
Friday-Saturday: Closed
Contact Us
Dr. Usharani Boruah
Librarian, CIRDAP
E-Mail: [email protected]
Phone Number: +88-02-223388751, +88-02-223389686. Ext. 226